Galera segue abaixo um guia das principais armas do BS, esta em inglês, mas são bem legais as informações.
PS. Fiquei com preguiça de traduzir...rsrsrsrs
Weapon Guide ~ Have you made your pick yet?
Hoping this will help a lot of players. Of course, it’s not about the weapon, it’s about how good you are in handling it.
Assault Rifles:
Very powerful weapon. I prefer to use this than the other assault rifles. You might need to control your fire since it has high recoil.
Far: Sit for better aim and recoil control.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area. One shot to the head.
Close: Aim at chest-head area. Pure AK pwnage!
It has high fire rate, easy to control and you can run the whole map of the game holding this beauty since it’s light-weight.
Far: Sit for better aim and recoil control.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area.
Close: Aim at chest-head area/Full auto.
Similar to AK47 and the introduction for this gun is really cool! “Spirit of the Samurai.”, yeah!
Far: Sit for better aim and recoil control
Mid: Aim at chest-head area. One shot to the head.
Close: Aim at chest-head area/Full auto.
It has high fire rate but a little bit low on the accuracy of this gun. You might need a little practice on this one.
Far: Sit for better aim and recoil control.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area.
Close: Aim at chest-head area/FUll auto.
Fair enough for both accuracy and fire rate, you can aim properly since it has scope.
Far:Sit for better aim and recoil control/ You might as well use the scope.
Mid: Aim at chest~head area.
Close: Aim at chest-head area/Full auto.
This is a very good gun but I don’t see a lot of players use this baby. I dunno why, kinda ridiculous since it’s one of my favorite.
Far: Sit for better aim and recoil control.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area.
Close: Aim at chest-head area/Full auto.
The damage is just tickling the enemies, the accuracy stinks as well and it’s freaking heavy. Not advasible to use.
Far: Run like a sissy girl.
Mid: You might try to fire it but you should run like a chicken.
Close: Run for your life or just shut up and die.
Quite similar to Famas but a bit low on the accuracy.
Far: Sit for better aim and recoil control.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area.
Close: Aim at chest-head area/Full auto.
Most powerful assault rifle but you need a little practice on this hotty since it has high recoil.
Far: Sit for better aim and recoil control.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area. One shot to the head.
Close: Aim at chest-head area/Full auto.
Very good on both fire rate and accuracy. But you might need to do some fast-clicks since it only burst and gets stuck on 3 bullets.
Far: Sit for better aim and recoil control.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area and might do some fast-clicks.
Close: Aim at chest-head area and since you can’t full auto, go crazy with the fast-click!
Good for both fire rate and accuracy. Nothing else to say. I tried this gun once, though it’s cool.
Far: Sit for better aim and recoil control
Mid: Aim at chest-head area.
Close: Aim at chest head area/Full auto.
Default weapon for Adam and Cathy. It’s not expensive to buy if you’re character is Travis/Vanessa. Fair for both damage and accuracy.
Far: Sit for better aim and recoil control.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area.
Close: AIm at chest-head area/Full auto.
Very dependable, more like an smg than a rifle. Excellent fire rate, good for both damage and accuracy.
Far: Sit for better aim and recoild control.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area. One shot to the head.(XM8-s)
Close: Aim at chest-head area.
A lot of players choose this, I know why. It looks cool, even sounds cool when you fire it. But what’s really cool is you can pwn your enemies with this ‘cool’ gun.
Far: Sit for better aim and recoil control.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area.
Close Aim at chest-head area/Full auto.
•Enfield (Supply Box)
The ‘Imba’ gun! No wonder it’s not for sale, only from the Supply Box. Similar to AK47 but veeeeery easy to control.
Far: Sit for better aim and recoil. Try to use the scope as well.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area. One shot to the head.
Close: Aim at chest-area/ Full auto. Frag as many enemies as you want!
*You might try to do a little mouse tapping or sidesteppin’ if you feel like you need to with these weapons.
•M3 Super 90
The only shotgun available for now. I’m sure you’ll stick on the wall after I shoot you with this baby.
Far: LoL, are you nuts?
Mid: Aim at chest-head area. Blow their freaking head off!
Close: Go ‘Constantine’!
Sub-Machine Guns:
Easy to use. Just point and shoot.
Far: Try it if you feel like doing so.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area/Full auto.
Close: Just aim at the enemies then full auto.
Very easy to use but not that dependable when it comes to firing it in far range. Fair for both accuracy and fire rate.
Far: Don’t be a fool, go scram….
Mid: Aim at chest-head area/Full auto.
Close: Just aim at the enemies then full auto.
Very ridiculous SMG. At least it was since they modified it. Now the ridiculous thing is it’s weaker than the deafult SMG (MP5).
Far: You might wanna use the scope. But then again, go scram.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area/Full auto.
Close: Just aim at the enemies then full auto.
I call it the ‘Train’. Excellent on both fire rate and round capacity. Good on the accuracy.
Far: Run towards the enemy, full auto.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area then full auto.
Close: Run over the enemy like a freaking train!
Powerful SMG but quite a bit low on the accuracy.
Far: Run towards the enemy like the noobs do.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area then full auto.
Close: Just aim at the enemies then full auto.
2nd compare to AKS74U but has good round capacity
Far: Like most SMG’s , you could try to fire it. But then again, SCRAM!
Mid: Aim at chest-head area then full auto.
Close: Just aim at the enemies then full auto.
Default weapon for Travis and Vanessa. A good gun, good everything.
Far: Run towards the enemy in full auto until you reach them at mid range.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area then full auto.
Close: Just aim at the enemies then full auto
*You might need to do some crazy sidesteppin’ and panic jumps to get a chance of pwning them if they got better weapon than yours.
Sniper Rifles:
Semi-automatic, good for enemies come rushing into your base.
Far: Scope and just tap your mouse.
Mid: Scope and fast mouse tapping.
Close: Scope and go crazy on the mouse tapping.
Semi-automatic. Same with Dragunov.
Far: Scope and just tap your mouse.
Mid: Scope and fast mouse tapping.
Close: Scope and go crazy on the mouse tapping.
One shot, one kill. Unless your enemy has Level 4 for an armor. Good on round capacity.
Far: Scope, point and shoot.
Mid: Scope, point and shoot.
Close: Take the chance for a lucky shot with or without the scope.
One shot, one kill, sometimes 2-shot kill. 2-shot kill for Armor Level 4 and sometimes 3-shot kill. Has less round capacity but one thing’s for sure and cool though, this Sniper Rifle is fast if you’re into shuffling.
Far: Scope, point and shoot.
Mid: Scope, point and shoot.
Close: Take the chance for a lucky shot with or without the scope.
2-shot kill. Same with Armor Level 4 and sometimes 3-shot kill. Better than m24 when it comes to round capacity
Far: Scope, point and shoot.
Mid: Scope, point and shoot.
Close: Take the chance for a lucky shot with or without the scope.
•Cheytac (Supply Box)
The ‘Imba’ gun for Sniper Rifles. Cool weapon animation, cool sound when you fire it and faster than M24 when you shuffle it back then quickscope. You should really use it when you reach 1st Lieutenant (White) and Captain (White).
Far: Scope, point and shoot.
Mid: Scope, point and shoot.
Close: Take the chance for a lucky shot with or without the scope.
*Try practicing the “drag-shot”. Really cool!
Quite dependable. But you should be careful on firing it from a far distance.
Far: Just fast click while laughing your a** off.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area then fast click.
Close: Go crazy with the fast click.
One thing I like about this gun is that you can full auto with it.
Far: Try if you wanna, but mostly you’ll end up looking like a fool.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area then fast click.
Close: Go crazy with the fast click.
Most powerful handgun. Advisable for Snipers if you can’t get a 1-shot kill.
Far: Point and shoot.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area then shoot. You can’t do fast click on this gun.
Close: Go ‘Clint Eastwood’!
•Desert Eagle
Also advisable for Snipers and also very powerful. I don’t like the sound of it when it fires though.
Far: Point and shoot.
Mid: Aim at chest-head area then shoot. You can’t do fast click on this gun.
Close: Just kill whoever gets in your way.
Default Handgun for all the character. Your one and only choice when you run out of ammo for your primary weapon.
Far: Don’t shoot, just run like the wind!
Mid: Aim at chest-head area then fast click.
Close: Use it like you use the USP(Counter-Strike). Go crazy with the fast click.
*Try using the ‘space bar’ when you shoot. Just a suggestion.
•Jungle Knife
*Devil laugh!*.
Far: Throw your knife at the enemy. As if!
Mid: Try to calculate it’s reach and go for the head.
Close: Go ‘Jason’!
•Kukri Knife
Has quite a good reach, better than the Normal Knife. Though you can’t do consecutive slices with it.
Far: Throw it like a shuriken.
Mid: Try to calculate it’s reach and go for the head.
Close: Go ‘Ninja’!
•Meat Hammer
Good in tenderizing your enemies’ head. Cool sound when you hit someone.
Far: Throw it like a freakin’ stone!
Mid: Try to calculate it’s reach and go for the head.
Close: Swing it like a crazy old man.
Default Knife for all the characters.
Far: Stab yourself.
Mid: Try to calculate it’s reach and go for the head.
Close: Slice as many times as you want when all else fails.
•Compact Gas
Good for COMSAT. Really uncool getting killed by this.
Far: Throw it as far as possible.
Mid: Throw it where enemies most likely to go.
Close: Sniff all the gas out and go die.
•Spike bomb
Very unuseful since it explodes for a fixed time and mostly ends up getting explode but your enemy has already escaped from getting blown away.
Far: Throw it on the enemies’ arses.
Mid: Estimate the time and throw it where enemies most likely to go.
Close: Stick it on your own arse.
•Smoke Grenade
Good for dealing with Snipers and rushing enemies.
Far: Throw where enemies rush and sniping areas.
Mid: Throw it on open areas.
Close: Go Ninja!
•Red Smoke
Better than smoke grenade. It makes your computer a little bit laggy if your GFX Card is not that good.
Far: Throw where enemies rush and sniping areas.
Mid: Throw it on open areas.
Close: Fade into the smoke and have some tea.
•Flash Bang
Blind your enemies and go take the chance! Spray them with your piss.
Far: Throw where enemies rush.
Mid: Throw it on open areas.
Close: Go blind yourself.
•EMP Flashbang
Better than Flash Bang since you can’t use your radar.
Far: Throw where enemies rush.
Mid: Throw it on open areas.
Close Go blind yourself and make yourself a frag for the enemies.
•T1 Grenade
Quite useful at some point. Good for enemies come rushing towards you.
Far: Throw it and say ‘Happy New Year!’ or ‘Kung Hei Fat Choi!’.
Mid: Throw it where your enemies come rushing in.
Close: There are 2 choices, Join your enemy going to hell or go to hell yourself.
•Grenade (Default)
For all the characters. You rush, you die.
Far: Throw it on grenade prone areas.
Mid: Throw it on open areas or where enemies come rushing in.
Close: Go frag yourself.
•Flash Frag.
Hurting your enemies and at the same time, blinding them.
Far: Throw it on grenade prone areas.
Mid: Throw it on open areas or where enemies come rushing in.
Close: Go frag yourself.
Weapons Guide